Whether you want to lose 30 pounds or simply tone up, getting your body beach-ready will take some hard work and dedication. This article will teach you how to get in shape without starving or torturing yourself. Warning: you might even have some fun along the way!
Method 1 of 6: Setting Goals
- 1Identify your problem areas. Be honest with yourself. Do you really need to lose weight in order to be healthy? Are you already in a healthy weight range, but wish to drop a few pounds and tone up? Are you underweight? Knowing this will help you determine the right diet and exercise options for you.
- In order to lose weight, you absolutely must change your diet. Working out will help facilitate weight-loss by boosting your metabolism, but exercise alone will not make you lose weight.[1]
- For muscle toning only, focus your efforts on exercise, keeping your
- For muscle toning only, focus your efforts on exercise, keeping your calorie intake the same
- 2Take your measurements.
- If you don't already know it, measure your height.
- Use a tape measure to determine the circumference of your target area(s). Suggested areas: upper arm, chest, waist, hips, and thigh.
- Weigh yourself. For the most accurate measurement, use a digital scale and weigh yourself in the morning before you have eaten anything.
- 3Calculate Your BMI (Body Mass Index) to determine your ideal weight.
- BMI measures body fat based on your height and weight.[2] It is designed to help you determine the ideal weight range for your height.
- It can be calculated manually, or online using a BMI Calculator. Either way, you will need to know your height and weight. Use the following formula:
- Caution: Since muscle weighs more than fat, the BMI formula underestimates the amount of fat in a person with very low muscle mass, and overestimates the amount of fat in a person with high muscle mass.
Method 2 of 6: Shedding Pounds: Cardio Exercises
- 1Start running, jogging, walking uphill, biking, and/or swimming on a regular basis. These and other cardio-intensive exercises will help you burn calories, speed up your metabolism, and improve your cardiovascular health.
- Do 30 minutes of cardio at least 3-5 times a week.
- If you are a gym member, try the elliptical trainer, stationary bike, and other cardio equipment your gym has available.
- 2Try different workouts to find the right one for you. Not everybody loves to run. Try out different exercises and commit to the one you enjoy the most. This way, you'll be more likely to stick with it.
- 3Mix it Up. If you are easily bored with cardio, try switching up your workout.
- Instead of running every day, alternate running and biking every other day.
- Alternate within a single workout. For example, at the gym you can run the treadmill for 10 minutes, bike for ten minutes, then use the elliptical for ten minutes. This will make your 30 minute workout feel a lot shorter.
- 4Join a class. Most gyms offer spinning, cardio kickboxing, Zumba, and more. Working out with a group will push you harder than you push yourself, especially if you are new to exercising.
- 5Dance! Not all exercise has to feel like work. If you're not in the mood to work out, put on some music and dance, dance, dance like no one's watching.
- 6Make simple lifestyle changes.
- Walk to your destination instead of driving. If you drive somewhere, park further away than you normally do.
- Do chores around the house. These burn more calories than you'd think!
- If you work a desk job, make sure you are standing up and walking around every couple of hours. Use your break time to go for a brisk walk outside.
Method 3 of 6: Tightening Up: Muscle Toning Exercises and Weightlifting
- 1Try Yoga and/or Pilates. Both of these exercises provide overall body toning and strengthening, and are ideal for women who want long, lean muscles and who are afraid of gaining "bulk."
- 2Target your core. The following exercise will have you feeling the burn:
- Crunches. Try them with your legs held vertically in the air. To avoid hurting your back, try doing crunches on an exercise ball.
- Leg Lifts.
- Plank. Hold a plank for 30 seconds to a minute. Remember to keep your body in a straight line, and avoid letting your hips sag.
- 3Target your legs. Try the following exercises:
- Squats
- Burpees
- Lunges. Hold a 5-8 pound dumbbell in each hand for added weight.
- Use a stationary bike or elliptical on high resistance.
- 4Target your arms.
- Do push-ups. If you cannot do a push-up, try doing the modified version keeping your knees on the ground.
- Use a chest or shoulder-press machine.
- Lift free weights. For bulky muscles, do few repetitions using heavier weights. For lean muscles without bulk, do more repetitions using a lighter weight.
- 5Enroll in a body toning/conditioning class. Most gyms also offer toning classes for particular body areas, like abs.
- 6Consider getting a personal trainer to help you target problem areas. Personal trainers will help lead you in the right direction, prevent injuries, and keep you motivated.
Method 4 of 6: Eating Smart
- 1Reduce your calorie intake. The most effective way to lose weight is to reduce the amount of calories you eat in a day. [3]
- The amount of calories you need to lose weight will depend on your height and weight. To find your ideal daily caloric intake, try using an online calorie calculator, or talk to your nutritionist if you have one.
- 2Write down what you eat. Did you know that people who keep food diaries lose more weight than those who don't? [4]
- Remember to include all beverages, sauces, and dressings you have consumed when calculating your calorie intake. You'd be surprised how many extra calories have been sneaking into your diet!
- 3Eat lean proteins. Chicken, fish, and turkey are protein-rich foods that fill you up quickly. If you are a vegetarian, try tofu, tempeh, and eggs.
- 4Cut down on empty carbs like bread, pasta, and rice. When you do eat these foods, switch to the whole grain version.
- 5Eat fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in essential vitamins, help fill you up, and improve the appearance of skin---something you'll be thankful for when you hit the beach!
- 6Eliminate junk food and sweets. If you have a sweet tooth, choose healthy options like fruit, peanut butter, honey, and dark chocolate to curb your craving.
- 7Stay away from alcohol. Alcoholic drinks contain more calories than you would think; some cocktails contain a whopping 700 calories![5] If you do drink, stick with red wine. For mixed drinks, opt for soda water over tonic water or soda, which contain loads of sugar.
- 8Drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated can prevent a whole plethora of ailments, from headaches to kidney stones. It will clear up your skin, improve your energy level, and as a bonus, help keep you full between meals. Start chugging'!
- 9Don't skip breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast will help jump-start your metabolism, and will provide you with the energy you need throughout the day. Remember that the earlier in the day you eat, the more time you have to burn off the calories.
- 10Avoid eating late at night. Your metabolism slows down dramatically while you are asleep, so don't eat right before you go to bed.
Method 5 of 6: Staying Motivated
- 1Find a workout or diet buddy. Compete with one another, share tips, and give each other pep-talks when motivation levels are low.
- 2Join a weight loss group. There are plenty of communities online, like MyFitnessPal, which help you track your progress and meet other people with whom you can exchange tips, stories, and encouragement.
- 3Buy a bathing suit and hang it somewhere in your house where you will see it every day. This will serve as a visual reminder of the potential benefits of all your hard work.
- 4Remember why you started. Getting in shape is tough. If you feel like giving up, visualize yourself after you reach your goal, and imagine how accomplished you will feel.
- 5Give yourself a break from time to time. If you torture yourself, you are more likely to quit altogether--it's human nature. If you are really craving that piece of cake, cut yourself a small slice and enjoy it. Depriving yourself completely will only lead you to binge eat later.
Method 6 of 6: Tracking Your Progress
- 1Continue weighing yourself and taking measurements.
- Do not weigh yourself everyday. This will drive you crazy. Everybody's weight fluctuates naturally day-to-day, which can mostly be attributed to water weight.
- Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. If you are exercising a lot, you are probably gaining some muscle. Thus, your measurements are more important than the number on the scale.
- 2Take "Before and After" pictures.
- 3See how your clothes fit. If you have a pair of jeans that are a bit small, try them on again after you have been dieting and exercising for a few weeks. Scales can be misleading, but clothing never lies.
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