The decision would vary from one individual to another. In my case, I have enjoyed ‘singular’ benefits including:
- Do whatever the hell I want, when I want, how I want and, most importantly, if I want
- Worry about ME, think about ME and dream about anybody I want
- No commitment = No Valentine, Birthday or monthly anniversary bills
- My private mobile phone line can remain that way – private
- Phone conversations no longer than 2 minutes = better ear health
Unlike marriage, being single gives me the opportunity to go into a relationship with the option of having a get out of jail relationship card. With no implied reference to sex, it’s an opportunity to test the waters without diving in. I can make mistakes, and ‘she’ can make mistakes (not deliberately of course). We could break up and still be friends with benefits.
Like most single people I have quite a number of married friends, all slowly drifting away like Taylor Swift from whoever her current boyfriend is. I understand that marriage could have its daily demands, especially where children are involved, and so single people like me become less important – with less calls, less hangouts, less interests in games like Spin the Bottle, etc.
More importantly, I have been evaluating reasons why people consider getting married in the first place:
Tradition – ‘My mum and dad did it so what the hell…might as well do the same’
Feelamongus – An infectious disease where you feel to be among the married crowd and relate mutually you must get married. Basically a status thing.
Societal Pressure – ‘When are you inviting us to eat rice?’, ‘Why are aren’t you married?’, ‘Are you looking for a perfect woman?’, ‘Is there something wrong with you?’ etc.
Companionship – Nobody truly wants to live and die alone. This includes raising a family and, if one’s virile ambitious enough, a football team
What’s MY reason? A bit of everything I’ve listed above, to be honest. Deep down I want to. I know I’m ready to take that step out of bachelorhood and into my matrimonial home. I’ll miss all my perks of being single and I’ll have to learn to adjust fairly quickly to having my partner’s shit taking over the space where I used to keep my shit. I also hope that whenever she gets angry I can put up with her bullshit and that she can equally put up with my bullshit. The big question for many is WHO am I going to marry. The big question for a few is WHEN am I going to marry. And for me the big question I’m asking myself is…
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