This model says he takes fashion tips from homeless people because 'they can put anything together and it just works'

In the latest news that proves the fashion industry is just the worst, a London-based model has revealed that he takes fashion tips from the homeless because "they can put anything together and it just works".

Ricki Hall, who says he wakes up at 9am with Cartoon Network on the telly and sprays his pits with Lynx Africa (he insists he's 28 ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ), made the revelations in the Sunday Times Magazine.

In the 'A Life in the Day...' feature, Hall says he likes to go for a jog after checking his emails, making breakfast and having a glass of "ice-cold water to kickstart my metabolism":
I use this time to think about my day, maybe my next fashion statement. I take style tips from everything, even kids and homeless people. They can put anything together and it just works.

He also describes his own fashion sense as "gothic and bohemian, like vibrant Russell Brand with paisley".
Unsurprisingly, the comments from a man who gets paid to pose for photographs by brands like Lyle & Scott and Topman and jets around to New York and Milan have raised a few eyebrows online:


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