How young is too young for SEX ?

A provocative title serving as blatant sensationalism? Me? Never. This might be the most controversial post I’ve published to date. This article asks:

How young is too young?
We’ve all had this debate, but let’s analyse the different ‘rules’ us guys concoct to determine ‘how low can you go’. I will start from the more conservative end of the spectrum.
The “Half your age plus seven” rule
Gaining ground in recent years many men now subscribe to this rule. You half your current age, add seven years, then round down if needs be. Voilà! That’s your limit. Thou shall not slay a nubile below this age.
A Pro-ageing formula
In theory it’s a great guideline. The age gap increases as you get older, but not by a margin that is considered unacceptable in society. A man of 40 can date a 27 year old without being labelled a cradle snatcher. Furthermore, a man of 65 may date a woman of 39 who, let’s be honest, is past her sell-by date anyway. One problem—this is bullshit! I always break this rule. Hell, I broke it last night banging an 18 year old (I’m 24). A guy of 30 can only date women 22 and over? What a load of crap! I feel entitled to bang and date teenagers well into my thirties, thank you.
This rule should only be applied by fem-boys and those who are looking for something long-term.
The “If she’s old enough to be in the club” rule
This rule just forwards all responsibility to the doorman. But in fairness, it has its place. If a chick thinks she’s mature enough to paint her face, go out partying, and get pissed off her face in the hormone swamp that is the local disco, she’s old enough to get pounded.
But what about the younger girls who get refused at the door? In the US, the drinking age is 21. Ha! This rule isn’t for me.
The “Legal Age of Consent” Rule
Anybody who thinks having sex with somebody under 18 is morally wrong is a idiot. If you’re the kind of person who’s moral compass is malleable to arbitrary laws that depend on what country you’re in, I have beef with. Why? Because this rule is not based on principal, it’s just a number that changes relative to where you are.
Why is it that a perfectly legal act in most countries could get you branded a child rapist in another? A little bit extreme, no?
People who base their view on the legal system have no moral code. They are sheep conditioned by their respective society, lack introspection, and are subsequently incapable of independent, internal discourse. My point about moral relativity is highlighted by the following map, which shows the legal age of consent in different countries around the world.
Everything is relative
This map shows massive disparity. If you are in California, it’s 18, but if you take a drive down to Mexico it’s gets prepubescent. This rule is without consensus and ethically hallow. 20 in Tunisia!? Would you be down with that? Didn’t think so.
The “Nature Knows” Rule
“If she’s old enough to bleed, she’s old enough to breed.” You think that’s bad… I’m not even finished yet! I’m not defending guys who go out and bang 12 year old girls the minute they get their period – that’s not cool. Unless her age ends with ateen you deserve to be whipped. It takes another 2-3 years for a girl to be truly biologically capable for pregnancy.
However, ask yourself the question: Why would nature indicate to us the very moment a female has reached reproductive capacity? It’s nature’s way of saying, “let’s get it on”. Many evolutionary biologists would argue that early menstruation is imperative for survival, however, most people agree that full adulthood isn’t achieved until much later, both physically and mentally. Nature may know, but evidently it has no standards. That said, a friend of mine (37) banged a 15 year old when we were in Philly, I guy I work with (30) broke in a girl of 14 recently. Wrong? Maybe, but I didn’t loose respect for either of them. Why?
Angelina Jolie, aged 15
Kim K, aged 14.
Model Li Yuan, aged 14
See what I mean?  WTF? I don’t know about you, but when I look at these girls I can’t help but feel a little conflicted.  Most modeling agencies recruit  girls from 14, even 13.  Women’s fashion sexualize younger girls and send us mixed messages. But it’s not all black and white, some women develop a lot faster than others. I’ve seen some 16 years that look too young and some 15 year olds I’d think twice about. It’s all relative and depends when a girl become post-pubescent. You can put all the rules you want in play, but at the end of the day, it’s instinct that dictates how young is too young. That said, we need to draw the line somewhere…
The “Peado” Rule
“If she’s old enough to crawl, she’s in the right position.”
Sex with children is fucked up. Anyone who harbours a sexual desire for pre-pubescent kids has a serious problem. You may want to consider castration. Alternatively, become a Catholic priest. I hear you score some premo bum if you’re in with the church.
So what’s Naughty Naija Rule?
Personally, I don’t believe in absolutes, but I have my limits. Like most men (whether they admit it or not) I tend towards Epheophilia, which make me a criminal in some countries yet a law-abiding citizen in the next. I believe nature knows better than feminists (who largely constructed age of the consent laws) . To this day, 16 has been my lowest and I believe it will remain so. Generally, I find girls under 17 too immature. That said, if I met a young girl that looked like Kim when she was 15, I’m pretty sure I’d take her downA little naughty perhaps, but I’m the naughty .
I’d love to hear what you guys think.
Which rule do you follow?
p.s. your comment/oppinion is needed

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