Sex in Africa 101 – MUST READ!

All right guys, over the next few weeks I will be giving my big breakdown on West Africa. Expect city guides from every country on the coast, stories, rankings and plenty of solid, sound advice.

West Africa is not for pussies, this is hardcore. Every country is completely different, but in general – bribery, corruption, violence, poverty and lack of infrastructure make this one of the hardest regions in the world to travel. I also strongly suggest you learn basic French before you embark. That said, it’s FUCKING FUN! You will never be bored…
In truth, the most dangerous thing about Africa is not war, corrupt officials or street crime – it’s the women!
Welcome to the developing world.
If you are considering travelling to sub-Saharan Africa, there are a few things you should know when it comes to sex…
  1. African women have the best bodies in the world.Period. That’s coming from a guy who’s been to over 80 countries and slept with women from over 50 countries. They have the slimmest waists, the highest hip to waist ratios, the best bust’n’booty proportions, extremely low upper arm circumference and superb jaw lines and cheek bones. You will easily encounter and mate with the sexiest women of your life on the continent. Furthermore, they know how to exploit their assets to the max!  African women are extremely confident – it’s sexy!
  2. Most sexual relationships in sub-Saharan African are transactional.Or at least it seems that way. Unfortunately, this is the rule rather than the exception. Getting sex for free is often a foreign concept for many African men. This sad truth is, at night it’s common to see men compete to pay for sex. This is normal. Remember, poverty is rife, and often this is the only way women can make money. In many cases, the woman in a transactional sexual relationship may remain faithful to her boyfriend, while he may have multiple sexual partners. In other cases, the woman may have multiple partners. It’s a little hard for the visitor to get their head around. The funny thing is, the fact that one doesn’t pay for sex is greeted with equal befuddlement by many women in Africa. This culture is well represented in the number 1 hit playing throughout the continent at the moment… Nwa baby (meaning prostitute). Catchy as hell!
  3. On average, 90% of the women you meet at night are prostitutes.Building on No.2, most of the girls you meet at night are pros and semi-pros (similar to parts of southeast Asia and Latin America). But don’t worry, this is not always the case. This percentage fluctuates depending on city and venue. You can meet plenty of “good” girls in Africa, but the harsh reality is the “good” girls are either old, too ugly to make money as prostitutes, super religious or rich (very rare). If you don’t pay for sex (like myself), often the only realistic option at night time is to shore. If you haven’t already, read my article shoring 101 before you continue. If you want to reduce drama, I suggest meeting girls during the day or online by pipelining.
  4. Be wary of one night stands.Sub-Saharan Africa is easily one the most promiscuous places on the planet; one night stands are  very common. But youhave been warned – just because a girl agrees to go home with you for free, it doesn’t always pan out the way you like it. Trust your gut.The majority of time you will have a wonderful experience, but pick the wrong chick and you’re in for a bad night. After sex she may demand money anyway; ask a large amount for ‘transport’ afterwards; rob you while you’re asleep; call for backup to rob you; tell you a sob story of her sick baby, hermam with no legs etc… It’s not often, but it happens. Don’t want it to happen to you? Follow these simple rules…
    Go to their place
    Not yours. This solves many problems. On my last trip this became a rule for us. At least then if there’s any trouble afterwards you can just leave (or in some cases escape in anti – style). Also she doesn’t know where you live! You are free to move on to the next girl without any repercussions, such as jealous psychos showing up at your door – a recipe for disaster. Alternatively, consider a rent-by-the-hour hotel… not very classy but sound logistically.WARNING: Always plan an escape route. Sometimes, “their place” can be a trap. I once had a girl lock me in a room, call up her crowbar-wielding friends and things got ugly.
    Travel light:
    Give everything you own to your mate. Cards, cash (apart from taxi fare), phone, jewelry – everything! They can’t rob you if you don’t have anything. I’m reminded of a funny story in Ghana where two girls brought me back to their place… but that’s for another day.
    Girl Proof :
    If you must bring a girl home, girl proof your room. Stash all your shit. Even better, if you’re with a friend, get him to actually remove everything from the room and let him care for your belongings for the night.
    The whole thing seems overly cautious, but better to be safe than sorry. As mentioned previously, most sexual interactions will be smooth and pleasurable, but 1 in 7 will end badly. Play it smart.
    5. HIV and AIDS
    Ok, so West African AIDs rates aren’t that high, but you will likely be sleeping with the virus’s core demographic. Further south, the rate climbs dramatically so make sure you educate yourself. I’ve slipped up a few times, but try and not to follow in my foot steps. My last trip I always wrapped up.
I hope this article is helpful… Feel free to share your experiences here for other travelers. It may sound like rough territory, but I LOVE Africa and would recommend it over any other continent. You can still find plenty of smart, beautiful, caring and incredible women here, perhaps even the mother of your child. If you’re looking for real adventure, incredible scenery, wild sex, and stories that will last a life time… this is the ultimate destination.
Forget what you’ve heard, experience the reality. This is Africa my friends. Welcome to the last frontier. Go

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